The Resiport outsourcing process

To succeed with outsourcing we recommend a simple, yet straightforward process. If the organisation maturity is high and already possess the knowledge about outsourcing, the process can be a waterfall model, but we recommend as many iterations needed to have all the bits and pieces fit the strategy.


It is essential that the client as minimum makes an in depth analysis of:

  • Outsourcing needs;
  • Organisation needs;
  • Transformation needs;
  • Business case;
  • Advisory needs;
  • Interim management needs;
  • Cultural adaptation needs;
  • Capability; and
  • Maturity


The Client strategy should reflect all the findings from the analysis and be a total plan to achieve the goals, e.g.:

  • Organisation strategy
  • Development strategy
  • Management strategy
  • Partnership strategy


Search, Match & Select

Resiport is the search and select platform that will get you from the strategy to the perfect matching partner. In the “old days” you would only have access to knowledge about very few potential partners, either via own investigations or advisory.

Resiport has removed all the restrains of the search and selection part of the process by having every thinkable parameter of each and every IT outsourcing provider – local as well as global. We have simply decoded and audited the DNA of the provider organisation. This makes it possible for the Client to be 100% true to the strategy, and for us to guaranty one or more perfect matches.

You get hundreds of quality parameters to choose from, and we respect your choice of importance. No client has the same needs, and we don’t enforce outsourcing to be made in a specific way. We will be very happy to guide you though, and maybe even the wealth of parameters to choose from could inspire to consider specifics that was not thought about during the development of the strategy.

By offering an online solution like Resiport, we at the same time made it possible to involve a bigger part of the Client organisation to participate in the search and selection process. This option should not be underestimated as the psychological effect of everybody in the Client organisation having there saying and ‘buy-in’ on the solution is worth gold.

We recommend to start the search by selecting the 3 most important parameters from your strategy, and continue adding specific search parameters until all the strategy goals are satisfied.

For larger accounts we recommend to consider all the benefits of multi-sourcing, reducing risks and getting the best overall productivity.

Not only have we reduced the search and selection phase from months to days, the quality of the search process has increased to a level not seen in the pre-Resiport era.

We admit it! – there is one parameter our search engine can’t handle (yet): Human chemistry

In the end it is all about people. Therefore we recommend that you end the search by selecting 3-5 providers that match your strategy.



With the Resiport report in your hand, we suggest that you establish the first contact with the selected few. We recommend that as many decission makers from the client organisation participate in this phase and that more levels in both organisations participate from the very beginning. Let developers meet developers, managers meet managers, HR meet HR and CxO meet CxO.

The first contact can with ease be conducted remote via your prefered media. This also give an insight in the communication method the organisations will conduct most of the time.

The Resiport report contain most of the answers you would normally receive from a standard business processes and each matching company have the fundamental capabilities required in your strategy, but you can with ease extend the Resiport process with your custom RFI, RFP, RFT or RFQ business process at this stage.

In the end we recommend to visit minimum 3 of the potential partners, and let a formal due diligence or your “stomach feeling” guide you through the last step.



The final point in finding the best matching partner in the world is signing a contract and/or agreement of work. Contracts seldom foresee all future aspects of a partnership. Therefore we advise the parties to use the contract as a template and checklist to discuss mutual needs and clarifications of the partnership. Some assignments require rigid contracts, some partnerships rely on agility and hard to define parameters like innovation. Good business acumen from both parties most often lead to successful long term partnerships, whereas a one side win most likely leads to a one-off experience.


Best wishes on your partnership.

At Resiport we wish all parties a fruitful partnership that will be long lasting.

We would be delighted to have your feedback and proposals for change, as we will always strive to become better in what we do and be able to facilitate the complete IT outsourcing ecosystem in the best thinkable way.